Dinner Venues in London, United Kingdom
VenKey has 2,336 Dinner venues with rooms available for hire. Browse from the 2,336 listed venues which provide the right facilities and spaces for up to 93,895 people. Check out each venue page for a detailed description about the venue, including available spaces and rooms, capacity, images, delegate packages, alongside their list of facilities available.
With VenKey it is easy to find your perfect Dinner venue, with less than 5 simple steps. Use our free tool to find a venue that suits your needs, then add your favourites to a shortlist. To get your free quote all you have to do is fill in the quick and easy contact form and one of the team will be in touch to discuss your event in detail. Finally you can sit back and relax, rest assured with the knowledge that you’ll get the best Dinner venue in London, United Kingdom for your event.
Beautifully refurbished to the original designs of Sir John Soane, the Grade I listed venue boasts two exclusive hireable spaces plus landscaped garden, moments from Regents Park. The grandeur of One Marylebone has attracted blue-chip brands from a variety of industries with a focus on fashion, beauty and the arts. This unique central London venue offers endless possibilities to host a huge range of events from Christmas parties, exhibition space, charity events, corporate events, engagement parties and weddings.