Corporate-entertainment Venues in
VenKey has 3,062 Corporate-entertainment venues with rooms available for hire. Browse from the 3,062 listed venues which provide the right facilities and spaces for up to 169,928 people. Check out each venue page for a detailed description about the venue, including available spaces and rooms, capacity, images, delegate packages, alongside their list of facilities available.
With VenKey it is easy to find your perfect Corporate-entertainment venue, with less than 5 simple steps. Use our free tool to find a venue that suits your needs, then add your favourites to a shortlist. To get your free quote all you have to do is fill in the quick and easy contact form and one of the team will be in touch to discuss your event in detail. Finally you can sit back and relax, rest assured with the knowledge that you’ll get the best Corporate-entertainment venue in for your event.
Ideally located just minutes from the M4 and M40, Burnham Beeches Hotel is the perfect location for a getaway near Windsor, or a Country House Wedding near Buckinghamshire or Berkshire. The four star hotel boasts its own rosette awarded restaurant, acres of stunning grounds and relaxing leisure facilities, as well as free parking and free Wifi throughout the building. Additionally, being only minutes from Burnham Station and Slough Trading Estate the hotel's conference facilities and stylish executive bedrooms make it the ideal venue for meetings, conferences and team building days. The hotel has 10 meeting and event spaces in both modern and traditional Georgian styles. The maximum capacity is 150 theatre style, and all spaces feature natural daylight. The rosette awarded restaurant is the ideal location for conference lunches or elegant dinner events, and bespoke menus can be prepared.