Conference Venues in
VenKey has 2,947 Conference venues with rooms available for hire. Browse from the 2,947 listed venues which provide the right facilities and spaces for up to 169,928 people. Check out each venue page for a detailed description about the venue, including available spaces and rooms, capacity, images, delegate packages, alongside their list of facilities available.
With VenKey it is easy to find your perfect Conference venue, with less than 5 simple steps. Use our free tool to find a venue that suits your needs, then add your favourites to a shortlist. To get your free quote all you have to do is fill in the quick and easy contact form and one of the team will be in touch to discuss your event in detail. Finally you can sit back and relax, rest assured with the knowledge that you’ll get the best Conference venue in for your event.
A smartly refurbished historic building in the heart of Fitzrovia, central London. A venue to suit all types of meetings, conference and training events. The venue has the facilities for conference, small boardroom style meetings, training sessions and 121 counselling sessions. 83 Margaret Street, is a large Georgian terrace in the heart of Marylebone. A former convent, All Saints House as it was known was the home of the All Saints Sisters of the Poor established in 1860. The seven storey building at one time housed up to 70 nuns who worked among the poor in the local area. The ground floor and basement now make up The London Jesus Centre that provides services to the local community and wider area providing food and support to the homeless and those in need. Our Facilities Kitchen and Servery facilities Projector and screen Internet access (Cable/Wi-Fi) Lunch £10 per person (menu on request) Refreshments £25 up to 20 people, £40 20-50 people You are more than welcome to provide your own catering and refreshments if you wish. The centre can a accommodate a variety of activities these include location filming, boardroom meetings, counselling sessions, wardrobe fits, rehearsals, church gatherings, pilates classes, student classes, photography and interviews as well as providing equipment for Powerpoint projection and FREE internet access. Our meeting rooms are located near Oxford Circus underground station, we are on all major bus route links from Victoria, Euston, Kings Cross, Charing Cross and close to all amenities. The rooms are well furnished and modern in style, whilst maintaining the Georgian feel which is characteristic of the area. Our main meeting room can accommodate up to 40 people theatre style and 20 people boardroom. There are also various small meeting rooms for less than 12 people. For events that require a much larger capacity, there is the 19th Century Chapel which can seat up to 80 people. It provides an ambient setting with natural acoustics that make it ideal for music recitals, choirs and concerts.