Conference Venues in
VenKey has 2,947 Conference venues with rooms available for hire. Browse from the 2,947 listed venues which provide the right facilities and spaces for up to 169,928 people. Check out each venue page for a detailed description about the venue, including available spaces and rooms, capacity, images, delegate packages, alongside their list of facilities available.
With VenKey it is easy to find your perfect Conference venue, with less than 5 simple steps. Use our free tool to find a venue that suits your needs, then add your favourites to a shortlist. To get your free quote all you have to do is fill in the quick and easy contact form and one of the team will be in touch to discuss your event in detail. Finally you can sit back and relax, rest assured with the knowledge that you’ll get the best Conference venue in for your event.
Set among some of the Peak District's most beautiful scenery and hugging the banks of the River Dane. Gradbach is rich in history and heritage. Home to a silk spinning mill in the 1700's and later becoming a popular place to stay, our 13 bedroom former mill has been lovingly refurbished to provide groups or individual guests with comfortable accommodation, delicious food, conference and outdoor facilities. Utilising our modern meeting room facilities, we offer fully inclusive corporate packages, including team building activities for away days and corporate meetings, either for just the day or with overnight accommodation. Our large meeting room can comfortably accommodate up to 30 delegates and is the ideal choice for day meetings or corporate days. Our flexible packages are tailored to your requirements and can include accommodation, activities and a range of dining options.